Tuesday 10 July 2012

The Nail Polish Tag

Hello again guys,
I am sorry I haven't posted in a few days. I have been struggling on what to do a post on. I really wanted to do this tag, but I was a bit put off because I did a similar tag last week. As I'm really stuck for ideas, this is all I have got for you for now. I do apologize if some of the questions are similar.

1. How many polishes do you have?
I have 60 polishes in my collection plus the 3 OPI mini makeover magic nail treatments, I talked about in my last post.

2. What is your favourite brand of nail polish?
OPI is probably my overall favourite brand so far.

3. Do you love crackle nail polish, or do you hate it?
I sort of have mixed feelings about them. I have tried the OPI shatter and it has worked well, but when I bought the BYS crackle polish, I wasn't such a fan. It really depends on the brand, but I do really like the look of crackle nail polish.

4. What was your first nail polish brand?
I'm not completely sure because I used all of my old nail polish, from when I was a little kid up, or thrown them out. I remember I owned a lot of un-named nail polishes, however the first real brand I can remember was Clinique.

5. If you were going to create a nail polish line, what would you name it?
I was actually thinking about this the other day, as cliche as it might be, I would call it "Get Nailed".

6. What nail polish colour does not compliment you?
Most dark nail polishes tend to look really bad with my skintone and I also tend to stay away from nudes as they make my hands appear yellow-ish sometimes.

7. What colour does compliment you?
Pinks, reds, blues and a small variety of purples and greens.

8. Name 2 of your best nail art friends.
Well, in the blogging community, I wouldn't really call them friends. I hardly know them.  I would have to say, Michelle from Eat Paint Sniff Glue and Caroline from Xofemmebeauty.

9. What was the best nail polish gift you have ever received?
Last year, for my birthday someone gave me a bunch of nail stickers and a 3-D nail art set, it also came with a holographic glitter polish and a really sheer, sparkly pink. I was totally wrapped.

10. Make a speech about the person who gave you this tag.
No one really "gave" me this tag, I just happened to come across it the other day on www.adoreabubbles.blogspot.com .

Thanks for reading guys, please comment ideas for my next post.
Gogo xxx


  1. Dark colors actually suit me, brights make my skintone look yellowish and I try no to wear them as much.

    1. That's what happens to me, except in reverse :)
