Thursday 12 July 2012

Mini Orly Haul

Hello everyone,
I hope you are having a wonderful holiday. Yesterday, I was in Priceline and I nearly screamed with excitement because I saw they had an Orly stand! To top it off, they were on sale, 2 polishes for $5. I wish I could have bought more, but there were only a few different colours to choose from. After a lot of debate on which 2 to choose, I ended up walking out with Swizzle Stick and Strip Down.
I was even more impressed when I read that Orly is a "natural" nail polish company, I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds promising.

This is Swizzle Stick, a hot pink/fuchsia colour. It is meant to be a creme finish, but because I haven't tried it I can't be sure. (picture from )

This is Strip Down, a shimmery, dusty pink colour. I have heard that this colour is a little sheer, but again I haven't tried it. (picture from )

I am sorry I didn't take any of the photos myself, my camera is packed away, ready for my holiday tomorrow!
Thanks for reading, if you would like a review of one of these comments, let me know.
Gogo xxx


  1. Those shades look gorgeous - all the Pricelines I have been to are selling the unwanted colours that few people would wear. Most of the time they are half empty and have separated too! Lucky!

    Oh, I also wanted to mention that I love your little picture on your profile in the side bar - it is gorgeous!


    1. Thank you.
      I guess i was just lucky, very few were separated and there were only 5 or 6 colours to choose from.
      Thank you, I got it from tumblr :)

  2. I'm the same as Candice. I saw some orly polishes at Priceline today but they looked pretty shocking- I guess your Priceline must be pretty good!


    1. My priceline isn't normally any good, it's tiny! I must have been having a lucky day. :)
