Wednesday 7 December 2011

Rimmel London 60seconds "Green With Envy" Review

Okay so firstly, this is my first ever blog. I'm sorry if it's a little on the dodgy side, I'll learn quickly.
This colour applies really nice and smooth. It advertises an 'xpress' brush with '1 second' application.
Honestly it did take me a bit longer than a second to do each nail, but it was still very quick!
The brush is quite thick, so it fans out, over your nail and the blue-green colour is very opaque so it only needs one or two coats, which is very handy.
It also stays true to the whole 60 seconds to dry thing. I mean, it's not like I counted but it was for sure SO much quicker than most other nail polishes!

To tell the truth, this is probably my fave polish for quite a few reasons, it's name; Green With Envy,
the shimmery blue-green colour and how quick it is to apply and dry!
I really do recommend this polish as a 'must buy' colour and I forgot to say IT'S SO CHEAP!
This is the first rimmel polish I've bought and I couldn't be happier!

Stay safe and stay tuned for more polish related goodness :)
xxx Gogo